Gary's Annual Brain Cancer Bike Ride
This will be our 3rd Annual registered ride for terminal brain cancer patients, especially Glioblastoma. Our ride is a fundraiser to increase awareness of Glioblastoma and support Richard Deming Cancer Center for their terminal brain cancer patients through their Integrative Medicine. Our ride also supports Iowa Oncology Research Association for clinical trials for terminal brain cancer patients, especially Glioblastoma. Since 2022, we have been able to help over 70 primary brain cancer diagnosis patients and 38 of those being Glioblastoma. Our 2025 fundraising goal is $45,000 and we can only do that by your donations and sponsorships. Help us to turn "terminal" into "treatable" for our loved ones that have been diagnosed and will be diagnosed with Glioblastoma. We are forever grateful and humbled by your support!!!

Date and Time
Saturday May 17, 2025
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
May 17, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Waukee Raccoon River Valley Trail Head
Hickman Road and NW 10th Street
Dallas Center at the HandleBar Restaurant
1607 Sugar Grove Avenue
Now - May 1: $40.00 Riders, $20.00 Non Riders
After May 1: $45.00 Riders, $25.00 Non Riders
Now - May 1: Cinch Bags, $10.00
Contact Information
Kristin Wiedenfeld
Send Email